• Woman with obvious stress on a couch with one hand to her forehead and the other arm wrapped around her legs.

    What Are the Most Common Prenatal Genetic Disorders and How Are They Managed?

    Prenatal genetic disorders are conditions that can be detected before birth. Understanding these disorders and how they are managed is crucial for preparing and providing the best care for your child.

Common Genetic Conditions

  • The most common genetic condition is Trisomy 21 (Down Syndrome),a genetic condition caused by the presence of an extra chromosome 21.
  • Other common genetic conditions are Trisomy 18 (extra chromosome 18) andTrisomy 13 (extra chromosome 13).
  • Less common genetic conditions include deletions of parts of chromosomes, such as Turner Syndrome (a female born with only one x chromosome). This website contains more information on these and more genetic conditions.

Managing Genetic Conditions

  • You have options. Abortion, while often presented as your best or your only option following the prenatal diagnosis of a genetic condition, is not your only option. Consider the care you want for your baby. 
  • Each child is treated according to their unique medical needs.
  • It is important to work with providers who treat children living with the same genetic condition as your child. If you’re not sure where to start, a Parent Care Coordinator is here to help.


  • How do I find doctors with expertise in my child’s condition?
    • When considering care for your child, it is important to seek a provider who treats children living with the same genetic condition as your child. A specially-trained Parent Care Coordinator can help you find the medical professionals and care system that best meets the needs of your baby and family.
  • Can I meet other parents with children that have the same condition?

  • Understanding and managing common prenatal genetic disorders involve early intervention, specialized medical care, and support services. These steps can help ensure that children with these conditions receive the best possible care and support.

Immediate Support for Prenatal Diagnosis

At PrenatalDiagnosis.org, we provide immediate and comprehensive support for families navigating the challenges of a prenatal diagnosis. Our services are designed to offer practical guidance, emotional support, and access to essential resources.

Parent Care Coordinators

Our Parent Care Coordinators (PCCs) provide personalized assistance, helping you understand your diagnosis and explore available options. They offer support in developing birth and newborn care plans, and remain available for up to one year following the birth.

Emotional and Psychological Support

We recognize the emotional impact of a prenatal diagnosis. Our services include access to counseling and support groups to help you manage the emotional challenges.

Educational Resources

Our website is a comprehensive resource for understanding various prenatal diagnoses, testing procedures, and treatment options. We provide up-to-date, accurate information to help you make informed decisions.

How to Get Help

If you need assistance, please reach out to us. Our team is here to provide the support and information you need.
